7 Beliefs Of Highly Successful People | Empowering Motivation For Limitless Life

Today I am going to tell you seven beliefs of success. After knowing that you will say a very good upedia brother, you are amazing.

7 Beliefs Of Highly Successful People | Empowering Motivation For Limitless Life

Belief means to accept something. When you do not have a good belief for something. So how can you get this?

If a person believes that it is easy to read. So this guy will
read the hard things easy. And he will become a topper in studies. He will put the pile of Gold medals.

When the person believes that it is very difficult to study.If you give this man the easiest thing to do. He will still fail. Why is this so, because this man has made a path of faith in his mind, its name is “Everything is hard”. Now any thought, ideas, emotions, feelings, pass through this path. So the guy will be shocked to say that “So hard”.Whether it is absolutely easy. 

Now, I'm going to tell you Seven Beliefs of Success. After knowing them, the path in your mind will become "It's easy & I can do anything."

Belief # 1 :

"Whatever happen (good or bad),happens for the best"

"Whatever happen (good or bad),happens for the best"

Most people in this world wasted their lives to think about what had happened to them and what should not happen to them. Instead, they have to believe that whatever happens,happens only for good.

Once the Akbar king went hunting with his minister. And suddenly there was a finger cut due to the injury of the Akbar king. So Akbar started crying with anxiety and began to complain with God,

 "O Allah, you have to cut off my finger,
cutting someone else”

So Birbal insisted Emperor be encouraged by King! 

“Whatever happens, happens only for good“

As soon as Akbar heard that word, he got angry with anger and said, 
"O Birbal, you do not have any sympathy with me."

You are my enemy. Then the king said to his soldiers, 

"Take him and put him in prison."

 After that Akbar went alone for hunting, the wild people caught Akbar. When they have to sacrifice him( Akbar) in God's way. So they see that his finger is injured. So they said it's defective. That's why he can not be sacrificed in the way of God. Then they left Akbar and Akbar was very pleased that his life was saved because of his injured finger. And thought that Birbal had said exactly, what happens to us happen for the good. 

When Akbar came back and embraced Birbal, I made a mistake. I put you in jail and whatever you said was happening for good, it was absolutely right. Forgive me. So Birbar said that whatever happened was good. So then, the king was surprised and said that what was your benefit in that we had put you in jail. Birbal said that if you did not put me in the jail and both of us caught in the hands of the wild people. So they would leave you, but sacrify me in the way of God. That's why God has done well to me too. So Akbar said in front of all the people that I am proud that I made a wise man my minister.

By accepting this first belief well, your 99 percent issues will be resolved. And you'll see opportunities everywhere.

A man said that today it is very hot. All the doors of hell are open on me. So the other person said, brother does not say bad to this heat but say thank you. Your health will be good for sweat due to heat. Due to this heat, the wheat crop will be prepared. Due to this heat, the watermelon gets red and mangoes become sweet. You are troubling the heat of two months. But this heat will melt the ice. The water we get from ice we will drink the whole year. We will take a bath & have fun.

You must have seen some people who say bad to cold weather also. But they do not know how many benefits of this cold weather have. As much cold, the weather is the sugarcane will be sweeter.And as well as snow falls on the mountains. From where fresh & pure water is produced for drinking.

Belief # 2 :

"There is no failure"

"There is no failure"

You must also believe that there is no existence of failure. Failure is just a mental idea. 

If a small child starts walking and falls. So that's not a failure but a little success. The more honey you add, the milk will be sweeter. Just as much as you get the action, the result will be the same. At first, you have to work hard but the results get a little bit. But after some time it's the opposite. The action will decrease and the result will increase.

Failure is the initial step of the success ladder. No success without failure.A person when gives an interview gets fail. He gave a lot of interviews but did not get any job. But today that man is a big officer. Who conducts interviews with other officers. Today, his success is behind his failed interviews. That is why you say failure is the foundation of success.

Belief # 3 :

"You'll get better what you missed to get."

"You'll get better what you missed to get."

If you want to find something and you do not get it, then you have to believe that God is going to make you bigger & better.

Two boys went to the Facebook company for a small job. But they did not get a job in the Facebook company. So they are very upset. But after some time the two boys made Whatsapp and sold to Facebook. They got so much money even their seven generations can spend. On this perhaps you are thinking that upedia Brother this has happened with these boys but not necessarily it may happen to all of us. Friend ! you said absolutely fine. But you should know this, let's take it because it's true. In this world, millions of people have experienced this. I can give you millions of more examples. Today what you do not get, tomorrow God gives you the greater, more and better.

Belief # 4:

"Hard Work never dies."

"Hard Work never dies."

You must also believe that labor is never lost. Most people keep their focus on money and then work. The whole life of these people is nothing. This means that those who want to eat fruits do not sow the seed & grow a plant. But if they focus on growing trees instead of fruit, the fruit will be found automatically. 

Sunder Pichai, Satya Nodella kept their focus on work instead of money. While working in the company's lab they slept during the night in the lab. And today their salary ranges from 200 crores to 300 crores monthly. 

If you do more work and pay less. Still, you will get the reward for your extra work.

Belief # 5 :

"Fear, Pain, and problem (tension) are necessary"

"Fear, Pain and problem (tension) are necessary"

You must also believe that fear, pain, and stress are necessary for us. If you did not have fear, every day any child, man & animal surely fall from the roof. The fear of falling helps us from death and injury. The pain prevents us from getting physical pain. 

If there was no pain then all our bones would break and we would not know. Someone will cut off all our fingers and we do not know anything. The pain gives us a signal that the bone is broken from here. Get it X-Ray, check it up. 

Stress and failure are very important to improve someone's skills & talent. The soldier faces more troubles and failures, which means more difficult the training of the soldier is, the more successful he becomes.

God gives training to the man with fear, pain, and stress then he gives greatness.

Belief # 6 :



If you do not accept or take responsibility after making a mistake, loss or after getting a failure, So you are killing your skills. You are the killer of yourself. When you accept error, loss, and failure, it becomes your experience. But if you do not accept then you make regret it forever.

“O God I am good or bad but I am your servant”. 

Whatever you have paid, you should say its mine either it is good or bad. When you accept something, your precious mind gives you ideas, tells the solution. And in a while, you stand again. But when you do not accept anything. Do not take responsibility for yourself. So your mind spends many years or whole life in making lame excuses & blame.

I am not so weak that I can not bear the burden of my actions. Friends, Just say that and believe in the responsibility.

Belief # 7:

"Believe in Being Perfect"

"Believe in Being Perfect"

Allah created you perfect and complete. You have to believe that you also have the ability to find what you can think. You can find your dreams. You also need to believe that what you need to make your dreams come true, God has created you by giving all these things. Now all those things are available to you.


1. Whatever happens, happens for the best.

2. There is no failure.

3. You'll get better what you missed to get.

4. Hard work never dies.

5. Fear, Pain, and problem (tension) are necessary.

6. Responsibility

7. Believe in Being Perfect

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