How To Use The Pain And Pleasure Principle To Control Your Mind | PPP Technique

Your mind is like a horse that is the largest horse in the world. Which is very powerful. But alas, how would you feel if his rein is not in your hand? So it will fall you, hurt you. You'll be lost somewhere.

How To Use The Pain And Pleasure Principle To Control Your Mind

Make Your Mind As Your Servant, Not Your Master

Just like a horse, your mind is also a powerful thing. If you have its rein in your hand, you can get what you want to do & what you want to achieve. Those who have been successful till today. They were neither even more intelligent nor extraordinary. If they had some goodness in them so they knew how to control their mind. If you want to control your brain too. So you should not become a servant of your brain. Rather, you have to make your mind as your servant. 

Make Your Mind As Your Servant, Not Your Master
You must run your brain according to your own way. There are things in the world no matter how many qualities they have but they also have a great weakness. In the same way, you can control it by knowing the biggest weakness of your brain and then what you want to do from it get it done.

So let's get started

PPP means Pain Pleasure Principle:

Yes, your brain works on the same principle. The thing or work you enjoy and you like to do. So your mind itself tells you to do that work. Compels to work, reminds again & again. Do a little bit, do a bit more, keep on, stopping do other things just do it.

But the work which gives pain. Your brain prevents you from doing this. Divert your concentration to other tasks. It stops you to do this work. So you're thinking that how does the brain know? Who tells him that this work has fun, pleasure & that work have pain.

Who is that?

So Friends, listen with your heart.

No one else tells him, but you tell your brain by yourself unknowingly. What what? do we tell ourselves? Yes, friends, you tell your brain by yourself. That's why your brain stops you from study and does not allow to work during working time. But since today you will never have this.

Your question would also be that we never told our mind that it would not work because it would hurt you.

See my friend,

 PPP means Pain Pleasure Principle:

We keep thinking about everything in our mind every day, all day and night. We keep talking ourselves too. The muttering inside of us affects our mind & body very much. We curse & say bad words to things in our hearts. This is how your mind is known then it does not let you do that thing. Even if there is no pain in this work.Whether it is absolutely easy.

Use PPP To Make Good Habits

Now you have to reverse it to take advantage of this principle. Whatever you need to do and it's very important for you. You have to say slowly in your heart or loudly.

That's a great job.

I like it very well.

I want to do it again and again. 

This is my left-hand game.

Do not let these things go through your heart, mind, and tongue. Always have to hold. Then your mind will come to know that O brother this is a great pleasure job. It should be done in every situation. You have to imagine in your brain every night before sleeping and in the morning that I'm doing this job & It's a great pleasure. And you have to feel this joy & happiness. Then you will see your mind will become your servant. It will follow you & also work for you.i.e

I am present

Order my master

Friends which thing you want to do or want to make your habit so you should link these tasks with happiness and fun.Just as to read, to do the job, to fulfill the assignment, 
prepare for exams, to do exercise, to make an action, to do any purpose or comply with a task.

My friend this is really a great technique. The work that you can’t do. Link this work with joy & pleasure & imagine in your mind that you are doing that work. And feel pleasure. You will see that very soon you will become a champion of your work.

Use PPP To Make Good Habits

Use PPP  To Break Bad Habits

Those things you do not want to do or get rid of it or you are trapped in it. So link them in your mind with pain & harm. Feel pain & see the pictures of its harms. Such as drinking, smoking, junk food, drugs, phones, TV & bad habits, etc.

Use PPP  To Break Bad Habits

You should take care of one thing that when the feeling of sorrowful thing is felt then good things should imagine soon after. So that bad things can be replaced with good things.

Pain Pleasure Principle Can Change Your Life

If you want to control over the brain or make it a faithful servant of yourself. So follow the PPP technique as well as this very effective technique.

What work do you want to get done from your brain then write the benefits of this work? Write as much as you can. And also write the disadvantages of not doing this work & keep this list with you. Read this every morning and evening. If you read this before sleeping so you will get more results than the reading of the whole day.Because your conscious mind sleeps at night but your subconscious mind keeps track of these things all night. And keeps these things in your body, and in your life.

Pain Pleasure Principle Can Change Your Life

My friends! I have taught this technique more than three hundred people and they have also got good results. I like to tell you those techniques which are practical & result oriented.

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