Omg ! The Best Modern Scientific Research On Namaz (Salah) Ever!

After reading this post, you will definitely say that I wish I would see this post first and hearten reading your intense prayer. You will not be able to stop yourself from offering prayers. Thousands of times more than this post, you will be able to pick up the prayers. InshaAllah!

Omg ! The Best Modern Scientific Research On Namaz (Salah) Ever!

Namaz As A Gift?

Gifts are very important today. Each person gives the status of his position Or the need for which it is given. But the gift that the Lord of the universe has given to His Prophet for all mankind. Today we will prove this gift on a scientific basis.
Namaz As A Gift?
  • Is namaz really a great gift?
  • Is namaz really God's favor on all human beings?
Praying is the second largest pillar of Islam. 

Remove Signals Through Namaz

This science and technology-filled era has a wide range of television, mobile, internet and Wi-Fi signals. Man's head, head hair, whole body, and hair on the whole body keep millions of signals in their surroundings at all times. The way the smoke is surrounded by humans. Just like that man is surrounded by signals. When a person performs wudhu So many negative energy fumes. And by prostrating in prayer, the burden on the brain pulls the ground inside itself. It is absorbed. 
Remove Signals Through Namaz

Reprogramming Subconscious Mind

The way to program the brain is nothing better than the prayer. While 90% of people are not able to pray well.

رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ 

"O God, give us the best in this world and in the Hereafter."

This is the meaning of the prayer and the fulfillment of the original purpose of is announced five times a day.

" حي على الصلاة"

Come to prayer

" حي على الفلاح

Come to prosperity

If we want to ask for something from Allah, there is no better way than prayer

Reprogramming Subconscious Mind

Acupressure Points pressed through Namaz

By mocking, the person becomes laughing and laughing at all. At the same time, The feet, the face, and the neck have different points on the body.
Acupressure Points pressed through Namaz

By pressing those acupressure points the different organs in the body, such as brain, heart, kidney disease, and stomach are activated. 
Acupressure Points pressed through Namaz

By doing wudhu, all the points of the body are automatically pressed. During standing, bowing and prostrating, these points are pressed. Nowadays, there are many acupressure points inside the shoes are given. You will surely be seen. 
Acupressure Points pressed through Namaz
Negative Forces are Removed through Namaz

When a wall is crooked then it does not have to be destroyed, but it falls itself. Similarly, on the whole day, due to different activities, negative forces, The weak and the falling ones are born inside. When you stand straight in prayer, straight, balance, then the earth pulls all the negative energy into it, and it is very important for the health of the person.

Negative Forces are Removed through Namaz

Medical Benefits Of Prostration

The head of Human is high and about 1.5 feet from his heart.

Medical Benefits Of Prostration

Due to the above head, the blood pressure decreases. But when the person prostrates, the heart pushes more fresh blood in the mind and in the face due to the above of the head. Which causes blood to accelerate into the brain. The ability to remember and read increases. A person prevents a lot of diseases. At the same time, the blood enters into the face with more pressure. The face is protected from acne, wrinkles, pimples and all kinds of diseases. During the prostrating, the front part of the brain increases the ability to think and decide by inserting more blood in the frontal cortex.
Medical Benefits Of Prostration

The blood pressure of the brain increases more during prostrating than being erected. Scientists say that the brain pressure is almost the same as the anger. By offering the prayer, we will have a great advantage that our mind will start feeling the state of prostrating during the state of anger. 

Lungs Get more Fresh Oxygen During Prostration

In general, condition when a person breathes. The third part of the air is lying in the lower part. And could not get out. Which is called the Residual Air. She just gets out during the prostration. During the prostration, man gets more oxygen. 

Namaz is a Unique Exercise

The scientist and fitness experts say every human should take an hour walk every day. Or should an hour size be exercised? Instead of doing an hourly exercise, it's better if you're done in 15 minutes episode day four to five times. If seen, all these things fit 100% on the prayer. The full time of five prayers makes up about an hour. But they are offered in different parts of a day. The second good thing for the prayer is that it is purified by doing wudhu. 

Namaz is a Unique Exercise

The main organs are washed. While there is nothing to do with the wudhu name in the exercise. 

Increases Memory,Focus & Concentration

The good thing of the prayer is that during namaz the focus of the man is on the greatness and mercy of Allah. The prayer increases focus, intention and memory power of the brain.

Increases Memory,Focus & Concentration

Relax Mind from Depression

Another benefit of prayer is that the bond of the mind becomes a Relax. Vanishes the heart's hatred, confusion, and disappointment. Research in Malaysia and the United States Universities has shown that the Alpha State which has the most intelligent program receives during prayer. This state is available only when the prayers are readily read. In some research, it has also come into research that the ratio of suicide in Muslim countries is very less than in other countries.
Relax Mind from Depression
The root cause of this is because of Islamic teachings. 

Health Benefits of Namaz

During the prayer, a man standing, stands, prostrates and then sits and finally greets. The man at that time repeats 0 degrees, 180 degrees, 90 degree, and 45 degrees. 
Health Benefits of Namaz

Several experiments on prayer at the US National Institute for Environmental Health and Safety, in which Involved Scientists say there is nothing in prayer that is against health and safety standards. Instead, they say that many diseases can be treated due to prayer. Back pain, joint pain, and pain of various parts of the head is also successfully treated. 
Health Benefits of Namaz

The University of BioMedical Engineering Department, who has successfully treated the pain and troubles of the Malaya, Indians and Chinese people, has also been successful in prayer.

Namaz Vs Meditation

Prayer also performs the same as meditation does in the human mind and body. But prayer is a matter of special importance that sitting in a seat like madness does not tackle and its position can change and change accordingly. Poses can be changed in namaz according to our own wishes.

Scientific Benefits Of long Prostration (Sajdah)

Medical science agrees that prostrating long does not cause heart problems. Because the brain reaches fresh blood during that time and the brain strengthens the heart. In addition, blindness and ear hearing are sharp. The knees in the prayer are very strong. Offering the five times prayer adds physical elasticity. Food is very digestive, it produces more strength in the neck and shoulder problems. 

Yoga Or Prayer Which One is Better? 

Many scientists have observed the prayer is better than exercise and yoga. Prayer uses the best positive words and positive affirmations. Prayer is the part of The law of attraction. The natural recitation music increases the brain's mocking and the mind starts to accelerate.

Namaz! A Best Driving Habit

The Namaz is also considered to be a better driving habit. The driving habit is the habit of which it is easy to make all other habits. The person who made a habit of establishing prayer five times can make any habit. And can end up with any bad habits. Many world-class experts have acknowledged prayers as a driving habit or engine habit. So we should have the habit of praying before making any habit. Other habits will become automatically.

Hidden Benefits Of Earthing

Today, people give full time on bedding, on the sofa, and on the chair. Only in case of prayer, there is an opportunity to sit on earth. 

Hidden Benefits Of Earthing

Many sick children have been healed from sitting on the earth and playing in the soil. In the medical field today, doctors say that God has cured on the earth. Almost every human, every child should sit on half-an-hour or play in the dust every day. 
Nowadays, we keep wearing shoes or shoes all day, we wear one another as we get it. Do not let your feet touch with the ground Only Mosque is where the shoes take off and then wash their feet. I do not have the device to tell people how much more negative energies enter the ground when wet feet are touched with the ground.

Hidden Benefits Of Earthing

Praying Away Obesity

Obesity is also a disease. Which produces other diseases. As close to heart failure, due to excessive fat of the waist veins, the prayer on one's time is used in strengthening muscles by burning 200 calories. 
Praying Away Obesity

Five times prayer burns 1000 calories. Prayers are the best prescriptions.Praying prayer increases physical activity, due to excess blood reaching every part, the health of the person gets better. The lower part in the erection, the middle part in the bow, and the above part of the person in the prostration gets more blood. 

Half Hour Before & After Sleep is Very Important

Today science feels that half an hour before sleeping and in the morning is an important half-hour. Every thought process, reading process, and feeling of action affect all night and day. Underneath this is the best time to program the brain. If we were seen, this thing was taught us fourteen years ago. It should be recited immediately after reading the night prayer and should wake up early in the morning and spend time in Prayer, Quran, Hadith, and Dars.


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