Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

Story | Why To Control Anger

The train was going on, some of the people in a train were resting while sitting & lying down.There was no noise in the container. Everywhere was a quiet site. It reached a station in a short time, only three people entered the container.

Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

Two of which were children and a man. These children entered the container with a noise. The children were crying like a truck passed by them.They crying like madness. Sometimes teasing people, while shaking their feet, disturbing others. Children were thinking of being a helpless. Carrying the train box on the head.

Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

While the father of these children was comfortable sitting and sat on the seat. Seeing all this, the anger of the people in this container was increasing. They were tired of these children. Their father is sitting silently sitting blindly. Why not keep these kids silent? Why did not they understand? Some people got angry & they caught this man with holding shirt.

Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

One, two of them slapped. But the father of the children did not say anything to anyone and remain sitting silently. Then a man got up and went close and started asking this person, and the other people started approaching him. So that the person can understand. Then the father of the children started speaking that we came for some work in this city. While crossing the road, the children's mother got an accident. 
Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

We took him to the hospital with a big difficulty, doctors said she was dead. Then we did not have the money so that we handed the dead body to the hospital. The children have seen their mother's death. The other we have left him there. That's why the children are crying. When people heard this, tears started with people's eyes. 

Program Your Subconscious Mind With The Power Of Anger : Anger Is Not Bad

They fell in the feet of the children's father to forgive us. People seemed to be missing the train under their feet. People were ashamed what they did .Oh God What we had done.

How I Control My Anger 

Ever since I heard this story I never got angry. Because I remember this story when i were getting angry on any person. He also has hidden such stories behind his smile. 

How To Cope With Anger

There are two types of anger. An anger that we do on others. Before we get angry with others, we should always remember the story mentioned above. And it should be thought that he might probably be facing some challenges.

How To Cope With Anger

We should pray to God for him. If possible then we should also try to know why he is doing this. His weakness should be changed into strength. And should cooperate with it.

People like this are present around us. Apart from this, some people suddenly met. As you drive a car and someone passes faster, passes off as an accident. 

How To Cope With Anger

So instead of abusing this person or instead of getting angry, it should be considered. Maybe it's an emergency.Thinking like this will not make us angry. Because in such a situation anger can also be our own loss. 

Only One Thought Is Helpful In Controlling Anger

Anger is not a physical , but a mental condition. We need only a thought to eliminate anger or control. We should see things from others' eyes. 

 Only One Thought Is Helpful In Controlling Anger

If there is a large mobile among two people, one will see the touchscreen side, and the other will see back side. If this person says it is a screen and the other person says no, you are liar. this is not screen but the camera.So instead of fighting them.They should give importance to each others opinion.

Only One Thought Is Helpful In Controlling Anger

That's what usually causes anger and fights. We are considering our opinion right & others opinion wrong. In fact that both are right in their own place.

Use Your Anger Power To Program Your Mind

The anger is a poison that spreads in the body of the person. When a person gets angry on someone. So he feel embarrassed later & feeling degrade.The anger is like a fire. It can be beneficial to take advantage of it. In the case of anger person’s mind can be easily programmed successfully. Because till then the subconscious mind of the person would not work. At the moment, the person should repeat positive affirmation like I am champion,i am best,i can do this. And should force his anger to his work. 

See What Happened When Two Boys Were Fighting
See What Happened When Two Boys Were Fighting

Once two boys were fighting lightly. A naughty person asked them to fight well, saying, "Do not beat with stone, do not beat with stick,do not bite on arm, do not tear its shirt, he yesterday bought a new one." Raising dust and not throwing it. Friends you think this person forbid the boys. Did not those boys do all that? Exactly stoning, cutting, and tearing everything happened. 

Unconsciously Mind Programmed During Anger

Because our consciousness would not work in the state of anger. And the emotional power of anger puts these things into Action Mode immediately. This is why I've already told in many videos that our brain does not process the word ”NO”. The shirt does not take away from the tearing thing and makes the brain to pull the shirt. People who get angry are easily missed. Because sometimes their talk is recorded or the photo is drawn. Or recorded a secret video .

Never Be Hyper During Playing

A cricket player was angry person .He was also very good to play while once he was hitting in the sixth, a man passed by and abused. The player became hyper & OUT immediately. Then the player ran this guy to hit the bat. Now what happened to be what happened to happen.

 Never Be Hyper During Playing

Every human should have to make himself so that they do not get angry, as long as they do not want themselves. In every environment, everywhere should keep themselves cool. Get rid of your work and make them think cool with your mind. These are small things, but little bit of anger can be a big bleeding in small situations. And it can also be destroyed by everything. And they should be forced to jail.

We Are Harmed As Many Times As We Think 

If a person hit someone, he hit once but now this man hits himself again and again in his thought. Who is responsible for repeating this dump? If this man remembers this incident hundreds of times a day. So it means that it hit itself hundreds of times a day. 

We Are Harmed As Many Times As We Think

Just like a person grows a calf to bull. At the same time anger also increases with time. Once thinking, it seems as if someone hit double stick. People today make little things larger by pushing them into their minds. Then they kill him. People do not know that being happy and smiling is the biggest punishment for the enemy. If a man picks a coal and hits the other, does not take another, but burns himself. At the same time anger also burns the man himself. However other does not know about his anger.

We Are Harmed As Many Times As We Think

Match Stick Has Head But No Brain: Like Anger

Match stick have head but no brain. Because it burns itself with a little friction. There is a very little difference between the angry person and the mad. You have seen a lot of times in the movies, if someone gets a doorway, then he stumble the door again. Gets more wounds. 

Anger For 2.5 Seconds : Science 

There are many scientific researches on the anger. It has been found that 2.5 seconds during anger are very special. The man who was silent for 2.5 seconds. He will be able to think well with the anger while controlling the anger. If he is not silent for 2.5 seconds then he can immediately react to a big loss. 

Islam About Anger

We also get the same from Islamic teachings. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: In the anger read

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم 

And be silent. If you are standing, sit down, if you are sitting, lie down." This mentioned technique really works very well.This ayat takes 2.5 seconds to read.

Anger Effects On Body & Brain

The anger is such poison that affects the brain first and then the heart. An angry person has a very high risk of heart attack or brain injury. Diseases like sugar and blood pressure also caused by anger. Angry men gets hair fall problem. The beauty of the face ends. All the organs become weakened eyes, ears, minds, etc. Humans get old & die soon.

 Anger Effects On Body & Brain

Physical Acts For Controlling Anger

If a person acts on these things, then anger can be overcome quite a lot.
1) Healthy food.
2) Exercise every day 
3) Good sleep. 


If we conclude, we find that anger does not have any apparent and indirect benefit. But during anger, we should program our mind for good things. Everything we want repeat in a positive affirmation. When we conduct positive affirmations. So with these positive affirmation have the strength of our anger. So these things enter in subconscious mind with thousand times more power. And our conscious mind can not stop these things. Now may be a person is thinking what to do to those people who are causing our anger. So friend let them get rid of it. Give a little respite, they will make mistakes that they will not be able to move back to you. And they will become clear in front of all of them naughty. 

Friends in Comment section must tell if you get angry and what do you do in anger? That's why we all can learn something from your experiences. And share this post with your friends.Those who are worried about their anger. 

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