Power Of Intention In Islam & Science | Setting Intentions Will Change Your Life

Power Of Intention In Islam & Science | Setting Intentions Will Change Your Life

Today I am going to tell you the great things about the brain's Diffuse mode & Active mode. Today's post is going to be very special, so only after reading this post up to the end, you will be able to benefit from the valuable information you have not yet told.

Introduction To Active & Diffuse Mode

Introduction To Active & Diffuse Mode

When a man is studying, his brain active mode is working. But when he or she gets tired and starts drinking tea and resting, then his mind starts working in the Diffuse mode or Passive mode. Despite resting his mind studying in the Diffuse mode. 

Diffuse Mode Works Like Google

Diffuse Mode Works Like Google
Understanding things deeply & find new paths. That the person has read out of Temporary memory is putting it into Permanent Memory. The updated readings are matched with the old information contained in the brain. The good thing to have with our Diffuse mode is that it also searches, finds exactly what Google works. In other words, it works on intention(Niyat). 

Power Of Intention: Islam & Science

In Islam, every action is performed with intention. It has been ordered to perform good intentions in the Hadiths. I am about to tell you the science of intention and what science tells about intention. When we intend to do something, our mind does not put this into the active mode but in the Diffuse mode. This intention becomes the Magnet point in the Diffuse mind. The mind points out of the intention of every event & connects it to this magnet. Within some hours or in some days, this Magnet gets huge. Many durable ideas are stuck with this magnet.

Power Of Intention: Islam & Science

Almost all successful people use this technique. I
(upedia) personally use this technique .when I have to make a video on a topic, first I intend to make my mind well while telling my mind that I want a video on that topic and I get into other tasks. And my mind starts collecting ideas.

Many books have been written on the power of intention. In many Scientific Researches, it has come to know us that we get the same thing as we intend. 

"إنما الأعمال بالنيات" 

 "Deeds are by intention" 

Effects Of Intention On Our Mind & Body

The apple we eat we get the same from the apple we intent. Indeed it is very important if we eat apple nutritious, for dental pain, kidney, heart, brain problems for joint pain. The thing that we intend to do, the apple will bring power to the same thing. Oh, the apple is one, but we can change its characteristics with our intention and if we do not intend to pray (Bismillah)  before eating apples, We will only be able to fill the stomach, and we will not get anything else. There is energy inside the apple. We give direction to this energy and tell it what to do in our body. By doing intention heart gives more energy & power to that organ. 

The Miracle Of Water

We can apply the same thing to the water too. Like a religious man cure every disease with water only by changing his words( intent). Just change his words & intention, peoples are cured of different diseases. This is why I have already told in many of the posts that there is a different type of effect with different words in the water and I also showed evidence of all these things.

Advanced Breathing: Intent

The person who breathes, it automatically runs all the time. According to the Hadith narrated that if we intend of breathing how much it can be beneficial. We never thought that. Breathing is life, breathing will have energy flow throughout the body. 


"Oh, my God! Our Lord caused this breath to be joy and comfort for me. Enter your mercy in me, direct the energy of breath to cure my that organ, give me courage, power, and health, and teach me the best usage of all the abilities".

How much will you benefit from doing this? While the Islamic religion has taught us supplications for all actions, they also work as intentions.

Intentions Have No Limit

Now maybe a man is thinking that then we don't need to eat food.Just drink water with the intention of eating and we should get the strength of food from the water. Friends, you think it right, but also to some extent. It is possible that people who made a hunger record of the world and get food from the power of the mind, also from breathe. If you want to eat a biryani or a pizza, then only when you hear the name, it begins to perfume. Science has done many experiences, it has come to know that the intention of the person is affecting everything.

Allah says:

"میں اپنے بندے کے ساتھ ویسا ہی معاملہ کرتا ہوں جیساوہ مجھ گمان رکھتاہے

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"Acceptance of deeds depends on the intention." 
"نیت المؤمن خیر من عملہ"

The intention of the believer is better than his action.

Setting Intentions Will Change Your Life

Our mind and body listen to us, understand & follow us. Before we start anything we should need to tell our mind and body well.

If a person is standing near the water, seeing others are in the water, if a third person pushes the man suddenly in the water, then it is very painful. His soul may become angry in the inside. If it is known about push, this person will be feeling half pain as before. Because at that time The person's brain and the body have developed himself. 

The small stick cannot ruin a person, but when the small stick goes into the eye, granny reminds us. But as we intend, our stomach is developing itself to receive food. Our internal organs are shocked when we do not intend. By intention, our mind and body are releasing digestive hormones in the stomach.

Looking For A Job: Intent

If a person is looking for a job, what is the intention behind his job, he will get the same. If a person intends,

"O Allah give me a job which is the source of happiness, prosperity, development, and salary. Colleagues are also good". 

Insha Allah, whatever job that the person receives, the person will have the same things. The person who intend about the life partner before marriage he would get the same as he intends.The taste is not even in things, but it is born of the intention. The only thing a person looks good and the other person does not like it.

A boy who had never liked a sugarcane juice. He reads the benefits of sugarcane juice in the newspaper, he could not control himself that he ran many miles away to drink.
Allah says that: 

 The sleep of the Aalim (religious leader) is superior to the worship of Abid (follower).

Intention Is Unlimited & Easy 

The intent in which Allah is not pleased that intention is not beneficial. When there is a sense of will & pleasure of God in the consciousness of man, every work becomes worship. His rise, walk, sit, bend, food and drink, even breathing and heartbeat also becomes worship because of God's will.it is said that the process is limited and difficult, while the intention is unlimited and easy. It is not permissible to follow the intention, but the reward of the intention becomes profitable and he gets registered in the diffuse mind of the person. 

Intention Is Unlimited & Easy

Intention Makes Your Start & Ending Better

I know many people who repeatedly make mistakes or make a small mistake in every work. The biggest benefit of the intention is that the beginning and end of the person is good. The man starts his work by saying Bismillah and closing it in the end by saying Alhamdulillah. By doing this, the chances of error and mistakes are greatly reduced. It is a matter of heart, but by expressing intention with tongue, it becomes more clear and clear. A person uses the best words and goals during the intention. Whenever the person intends, according to his limit, whenever God gives, according to his glory.

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