Power Of Truth , Goodness & Honesty On Mind & Body | Gain Confidence With Positivity

Power Of Truth , Goodness & Honesty On Mind & Body | Gain Confidence With Positivity

Best Truth Story

I was studying in a University hostel. The group of 20, 30 boys from the University arrived at the Hostel. It was the same group known as Fighter. The same group had fought in the university till afternoon. Many heads were cracked due to fighting. 

I was studying in a University hoste

The University's atmosphere continued with air firing. The boys kept warming up the environment with the slogan. Now that boys stood outside my room. They together knocked on the door. When I stood to open the door the boys rushed out to hide in other rooms. So that I could not see them. But as I got out, some boys looked a little bit. Then I was so surprised. 

 I was so surprised.

The time that was going on my surprise was increasing. Because these were the boys who were ready to fight with the teachers always. They did not respect their parents too. Canteen plates used to throw out with anger by them. But now the boys were hiding from me. While I was a good student, I had the honor that God was putting in the heart of some teachers and students. Then I analyzed all the incidents that happened in the past. All the accidents and events happened with me Or that I had seen with my eyes. Check all of them well. 

I concluded that the strength of the truth is more powerful than the power of a man. When a man is truthful then he becomes more powerful than all the world. Thousands of false people seem to be afraid of a true man. Some things do not appear but they still have an impact. 

strength of the truth is more powerful than the power of a man.

Dog Story For Standing On Truth

Once a man wakes up for prayer early in the morning. He saw a dog when he came out. He started running after seeing the dog. And the dog followed him. When all the other dogs saw it, then they too ran towards the man. 

Dog Story For Standing On Truth

The man was running in the streets because of dogs. When the other man saw this man, then said, "Do not run away from the dogs, stand & face them." As soon as the man stood, And faced dogs. So all these dogs themselves are back. 

Benefits Of Being Steadfast

When the man is not standing on his truth despite being truthful. So the army of his body leaves him alone. Be good, be true and stand on it. It fills the natural power inside the human. It has come in scientific research. In general normal state, positive thinking and positive vibe are 1000 times more powerful than negative thinking. 

Benefits Of Being Steadfast

Because a bad man is limited to his own greedy benefit. The scope of his thinking does not go out of his body’s height. When the good man stands on the goodness & truth. His vibes become more powerful.

Effects Of Truth On Mind & Body

Many scientific experiences have come to know that the truth impacts very good effects on the heart, mind & body. Even though the true & honest person is safe from diseases such as heart attack and cancer. This person's mind is more creative in the state of comfort and satisfaction. The wrong and the evil person becomes so weak that his own existence also does not give it to him. The brain makes a mountain of fear inside him. He clearly wakes up with a sound of breath. 

If there are empty wells around the filled one, then the water starts to flow from filled well to empty wells. In the same way, the good signals of the good man's brain are inserted into the brain of bad people. And stop evil people from doing evil. 
Effects Of Truth On Mind & Body

There is an only positive energy in this universe. Where there is no positive energy, this is called negative energy. When a person does good or bad, so it returns back to him.

Every Thing Returns Back

Once the boss slapped his employer. The employee did not just go to the house and put the anger out on his wife, the wife became anger on her son. The son picked up the stone and beat the dog. The dog ran towards the same boss's to bite on his leg. Goodness also returns back to the same way, by increasing many times. The big benefit of goodness, truth, honesty and other qualities is that it creates positive aura around him. For feeling goodness and protection from evil; senses, beliefs, and patterns are born in the brain.

Every Thing Returns Back

Dare, courage & confidence are created within man. This belief never comes into a lie and dishonest human being. 

Brain Size Can Be Changed

It was thought that the size of the brain is fixed. Due to closure in the skull, the size of the brain can’t be increased or decreased.

 Brain Size Can Be Changed

Now it has been proved that the brain is flexible. The brain can be increased, decreased, weakened & strengthened. The bad things weaken and smaller the brain. While good things make the brain bigger and powerful.

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