How Rest Boost Your Work Performance | Rest For Success

How Rest Boost Your Work Performance | Rest For Success

Connection Between Sleep & Work Performance

Workers went to the steel company in the morning and load iron until evening. But a laborer did not know that his complaint was going to meet the engineer Frederick Taylor next morning. The next morning Friedrich Taylor comes on the visit so a man complains secretly that a labor works less and sleeps all day long.He has been doing such a long time. At the same time Engineer angrly gives a duty to a person that he should note his work with stopwatch, how much does he do than others?

It was estimated by everyone that this evening this worker will be fired from the company or his salary will be deducted. All were waiting for evening. But the man who used to rest as well as work was unaware of it. When the results came in evening so all of them were amazed at all. And they got to hear that no one was in any way.After hearing all this, the engineer was also surprised. 

Connection Between Sleep & Work Performance

Those who worked all day long they loaded only 12, 12 tonnes of iron whereas this man loaded 44 tons mean more than three times than others. The second amazing thing came to know that he worked just 26 minutes in an hour and rested 34 minutes.

Connection Between Sleep & Work Performance
Dr. Edmond, who belongs to Chicago University he says you can work better for a longer time by resting in a break.

Winston Churchill was over 70 years of age during second World War and he worked for sixteen hours.But he used to take time for sleep & slept one hour after lunch, two hours in evening and 5 hours at night.

John Rockefeller’s age was 98 years old.He believes it's all because of taking good sleep.Whenever he sleeps no one will bother to take it.

Connie Mack the Baseball’s leading player says when I never rested before playing then my fatigue would get worse.And when I rested for 5 to 10 minutes before playing then i feel fresh till end.

Mr. Daniel writes in his book the rest or sleep means to boost,enhance & activate your energy.

How Rest Boost Your Work Performance | Rest For Success

Whenever Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt had to speak at a meeting, she sat on a comfortable chair resting for 20 minutes before meeting.

Thomas Edison who invented a bulb, speaking machine,movie camera and much more.He says that sleeping habit at any time has given me huge energy & stamina.

Henry Ford, who spread the vehicles across the world.He shared his secret of health & fitness on his 80th birthday that I never sat after lying down.

Mr. Horluss whenever used to go for an interview then he was lying in a coach for a while.

General George Marshall was resting at noon even directing soldiers continuously.

Dr.Edmund adds more to sleep that the sleep charges our body like battery & removes fatigue and trouble. Before you get tired take rest .This is exactly as if you charge your mobile battery before it’s dead.

How Rest Boost Your Work Performance | Rest For Success

Dr. Walter says our heart pumps blood as much as railway tank in one day. Due to which heart produces power of loading 20 tonnes of iron 3 feet high. If we say in other words, we have the ability to work 15 hours a day.

Famous Psychologist Dr.David Bearl says we are mostly fatigue due to negative thoughts or emotional behaviors.

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