Power of Pray | See Proof | How Your Thoughts & Words Impact Everything Around You

 Power of Pray | See Proof | How Your Thoughts & Words Impact Everything Around You

After reading this post written about Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim, you will be completely shaken.

Do Plants Feel Pain? Scientific Study

Professor Cleve Backster,who used to work as intelligence officer in Navy.He used Polygraph machine to catch the truth and the lies of the criminals. He once connected a machine to a plant. So he saw that some leaves were cut in front of the plant, the machine began to sound loud. Various waves begin to appear on the screen. Professor Backster estimates that the plant is feeling pain.

Do Plants Feel Pain? Scientific Study

Plants Can Recognize A Bad Person

In another experiment,he gave a piece of paper to some people having written something. One of them was on slip, kill the tree, cut off tree. When this person cut the tree and went to another plant after a little while, the other plant felt scared.
Plants Can Recognize A Bad Person
Many experiments have shown that the plants can recognize forty days that this person is not well.

Plants Can Read Your Thoughts Or Ideas

In the third experiment, he had connected a plant to a machine & he saw almost straight line on the screen.That means the plant was perfectly fine.

Plants Can Read Your Thoughts Or Ideas

After that he went 15 feet away, standing away and thought in his mind that he burns a leaf of plant with match stick.

Plants Can Read Your Thoughts Or Ideas

He just thought that the line on the screen started to be up and down. It showed that the plants can read your thoughts or ideas. Tree also feel pain due to your bad thinking .

Plants Can Read Your Thoughts Or Ideas

Hating Food? Denying God's Blessing

Professor Cleve Backster then made a lot of experiments on yogurt, eggs, watermelon & saliva. He concluded from the experiments that when you dislike your food it becomes poisonous.

Hating Food? Denying God's Blessing

Often people you have seen that they say I do not like it before eating. I will not eat it.Not only children but even older also say this.Those who often dislike food.By denying God's blessing & mercy they consumes poison in ignorance. They do not even know what they are doing.

Pray Before Eating Meals

1400 years ago, the most valuable human being created on this earth, "The Greatest Human Being of the Hole Human History" Muhammad peace be upon him said!

"Pray before eating,Praise God & Thank God! " 

Pray Before Eating Meals

Before starting the meal, Recite 

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
By doing this your food will become blessing for you.You get healing,health and fitness.

How Our Thoughts & Words Affect Our Food

When we think badly & saying negative words to food then this thing poisoned food. Our thoughts, feelings, and words make the blessing of God as trouble & the mercy of God as sickness. When a person eats apple happily, with thanksgiving.Then inside the apple also gets good quality, good chemical and good energy. But when he eats angrily, ungratefully & dislikely. So negative energy is produced in the apple.Which causes diseases.

How Our Thoughts & Words Affect Our Food

Power Of Words 

When a man praises at plant A.Speaks good words on it. And say bad words to the plant B.Watering the A plant with love.And throwing water on the B plant with anger. After 30 days,yes friends only 30 days later plant A gets more greener while the plant B gets dried.

Power Of Words

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